Webisode 2

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While preparing the Weasel for the mission, Adama and Coker find out that their cargo isn’t supplies but a civilian software engineer, Dr. Beka Kelly. They depart, but upon leaving Galactica’s DRADIS range, Dr. Kelly hands them new orders from the Admiralty. They are to rendezvous with the Archeron, another battlestar, in an area bordering Cylon space. They are also to take all further orders from Dr. Kelly. As they travel to their destination, Dr. Kelly reveals that she worked for Graystone Industries, designing the upgrade for the Cylons’ MCP “brain” chip. When they reach the rendezvous point, they discover that the Archeron was ambushed and destroyed. A Cylon raider appears and attacks.



Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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