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A test with a rat proves the tower snipers are very good, so Michael figures the only option to breaking Whistler out within 24 hours has to be at 3 PM, during the distraction of soccer game. Sucre accepts $5,000 from Lechero’s cousin, Augusto, to smuggle a package into Sona. Linc is to arrange transport outside, but he and Sofia get turned away roughly by an army patrol two miles away. He tells her Sara has already been killed. He keeps it from Michael, as LJ is his ultimate priority. New prisoner Andrew Tyge is robbed to his boxers on arrival, and recognizes Whistler (who denies it), mentioning the McFadden, Nice in 1997. He is warned off by Mahone who has noticed Tyge snooping around Michael and Whistler. They plan an electric signal disturbance device to distract the guard tower. Before they can make a move, a reflection from the binoculars is spotted: the troops move in and find it in his cell. Michael admits it’s his. When the commander is about to shoot him, Whistler claims it’s his for bird-watching, and proves it showing the ornithology book (the one Linc couldn’t hold on to).



Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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