The Banks hate the ugly golf shirts Hilary gives them – until they see Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wearing the same design.
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The Banks hate the ugly golf shirts Hilary gives them – until they see Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wearing the same design.
The Banks hate the ugly golf shirts Hilary gives them – until they see Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wearing the same design.
Led by Paul Karros, the people of a tiny Balkan nation are rising up against an oppressive dictator. Karros is an Immortal who once fought his way to freedom with Spartacus. Since then, whenever the common people have been fighting against oppression, Karros has been at their side. Karros and his assistant, Mara, have come to the U.S. to drum up support for their cause. MacLeod and Karros fought together in the Mexican Revolution and Karros tries to convince MacLeod to fight with him now. MacLeod turns him down, but Charlie is tempted both by the cause and by Mara.
Led by Paul Karros, the people of a tiny Balkan nation are rising up against an oppressive dictator. Karros is an Immortal who once fought his way to freedom with Spartacus. Since then, whenever the common people have been fighting against oppression, Karros has been at their side. Karros and his assistant, Mara, have come to the U.S. to drum up support for their cause. MacLeod and Karros fought together in the Mexican Revolution and Karros tries to convince MacLeod to fight with him now. MacLeod turns him down, but Charlie is tempted both by the cause and by Mara.
A mob killing, a bear and a pregnant backwoods belle. Will spins a tall tale to distract Jazz during a poker game.
A mob killing, a bear and a pregnant backwoods belle. Will spins a tall tale to distract Jazz during a poker game.
Donna, a girl Richie dated briefly several years ago, returns with her 18-month-old son — who she claims is Richie's! While MacLeod reminds him that it's impossible, that Immortals are unable to have children, Richie sees this as an opportunity to have the family he never had and never will be able to again. When Kern, an evil Immortal, rides into town, MacLeod is reminded of his own foster son, Kahani. Kahani and his Sioux Indian mother, Little Deer, were massacred over a hundred years ago by U.S. soldiers led by Kern, then a mercenary scout. MacLeod is eager to even the score. When Donna finds Richie's sword and demands to know what it's for, Richie is at a loss to tell her. MacLeod advises Richie that it would be safer and kinder to Donna and the baby to leave them. When his new-found family is threatened by Kern, Richie realizes MacLeod is right. While MacLeod rids the world of the evil Kern, Richie lets go of the only family he'll ever have.
Donna, a girl Richie dated briefly several years ago, returns with her 18-month-old son — who she claims is Richie's! While MacLeod reminds him that it's impossible, that Immortals are unable to have children, Richie sees this as an opportunity to have the family he never had and never will be able to again. When Kern, an evil Immortal, rides into town, MacLeod is reminded of his own foster son, Kahani. Kahani and his Sioux Indian mother, Little Deer, were massacred over a hundred years ago by U.S. soldiers led by Kern, then a mercenary scout. MacLeod is eager to even the score. When Donna finds Richie's sword and demands to know what it's for, Richie is at a loss to tell her. MacLeod advises Richie that it would be safer and kinder to Donna and the baby to leave them. When his new-found family is threatened by Kern, Richie realizes MacLeod is right. While MacLeod rids the world of the evil Kern, Richie lets go of the only family he'll ever have.
Kissin' cousin. War breaks out when the girl Will likes plants a big one on Carlton.
Kissin’ cousin. War breaks out when the girl Will likes plants a big one on Carlton.
After Midori Koto sees her husband, rich industrialist Michael Kent, murder her lover, she kills Kent and runs to MacLeod for protection. She reminds MacLeod of a vow of protection his "ancestor" (MacLeod himself) made 200 years before. Flashbacks tell the story of MacLeod coming to the aid of the samurai Hideo Koto after MacLeod is shipwrecked in Japan. He vows to Hideo he will always protect the Koto family and is bequeathed the dragon head katana sword he uses to this day. Back in the present, MacLeod discovers that Kent is an Immortal and he's still alive.
After Midori Koto sees her husband, rich industrialist Michael Kent, murder her lover, she kills Kent and runs to MacLeod for protection. She reminds MacLeod of a vow of protection his "ancestor" (MacLeod himself) made 200 years before. Flashbacks tell the story of MacLeod coming to the aid of the samurai Hideo Koto after MacLeod is shipwrecked in Japan. He vows to Hideo he will always protect the Koto family and is bequeathed the dragon head katana sword he uses to this day. Back in the present, MacLeod discovers that Kent is an Immortal and he's still alive.
"Look here, you big orange Moby Dick." Will tangles with a grouchy whale who ditches a kiddie concert.
“Look here, you big orange Moby Dick.” Will tangles with a grouchy whale who ditches a kiddie concert.
Will's career as a music man hits a few sour notes.
Will’s career as a music man hits a few sour notes.
Dough-re-me. Will thinks Ashley can make big bucks in the singing biz if she picks the right manager: him.
Dough-re-me. Will thinks Ashley can make big bucks in the singing biz if she picks the right manager: him.
Joe Dawson arrives in Paris to let MacLeod know that Horton may still be alive and coming after him. However, when MacLeod meets ""Lisa Milon,"" a dead-ringer for Tessa (Lisa Halle after plastic surgery), all thoughts of Horton and the Watchers go out of his head. Richie, unsure if Mac is thinking clearly, goes to Dawson for help and winds up taking a bullet for him when Horton tries a hit. Lisa is kidnapped, and MacLeod insists on going after her even though his friends warn him it may be a setup. He can't take a chance on burying her again. When Lisa finally tries to kill MacLeod, he turns the tables on her and Horton at long last gets what's coming to him.
Joe Dawson arrives in Paris to let MacLeod know that Horton may still be alive and coming after him. However, when MacLeod meets ""Lisa Milon,"" a dead-ringer for Tessa (Lisa Halle after plastic surgery), all thoughts of Horton and the Watchers go out of his head. Richie, unsure if Mac is thinking clearly, goes to Dawson for help and winds up taking a bullet for him when Horton tries a hit. Lisa is kidnapped, and MacLeod insists on going after her even though his friends warn him it may be a setup. He can't take a chance on burying her again. When Lisa finally tries to kill MacLeod, he turns the tables on her and Horton at long last gets what's coming to him.